Guardians of The Memorial
We want to recognize and thank the Guardians of the Memorial, Explorer Post 2471 for all they do to make sure the Memorial is taken care of.
The Utah Law Enforcement Memorial (ULEM) Board has partnered with the Salt Lake City Police Department (SLCPD) Explorer Post 2471 and the Sandy City Police Department (SCPD) Explorer Post 9550 to be the “Guardians of the Memorial.” We have presented each member of both Explorer Posts with a pin, which identifies them as a Guardian of the Memorial, that each explorer can proudly wear on his/her uniform.
The SLCPD Explorer Post 2471 performs weekly checks of the Utah Law Enforcement Memorial at the Utah State Capitol, ensuring that it is clean and maintained. When families and friends of Utah’s fallen officers visit this hallowed place, the memorial always looks welcoming thanks to the Guardians of the Memorial, SLCPD Explorer Post 2471.
The SLCPD Explorer Post 2471 also assists with the annual Memorial Service, held in May of each year, by preparing the capitol memorial for the ceremony and serving as an Honor Guard. Every August they assist with the annual Ride for Fallen Officers by preparing the capitol memorial for the ceremony and serving as an Honor Guard.

The SCPD Explorer Post 9550 cleans and maintains the Utah Law Enforcement Memorial at the Utah Peace Officer Standards and Training building in Sandy, Utah. When peace officer recruits pass the memorial during their in-service training, the memorial always looks honorable thanks to the Guardians of the Memorial, Sandy Explorer Post 9550. In addition, they may assist the SLCPD Explorer Post 2471 with the annual Memorial Service and annual Ride for Fallen Officers.
The ULEM board deeply appreciates both Explorer Posts for their dedication and commitment to honoring Utah’s fallen officers and the Utah Law Enforcement Memorials.
